Monday, November 14, 2016

The end of The Haiku Project - November 2016

Well, I went almost a full three months before I lost steam. It was fun while I could keep it up!

November 1

November baseball;
that's how I'll probably die
These boys are so good.

November 2

Game tied in the 8th
extra innings; FREE BASEBALL!
rain, then ... win it all.

November 3

I found a new trail
surrounded by red forest.
Peaceful autumn run.

November 4

Train is too crowded
everybody, please go home
Chicago? All blue.

November 5

Couch couch couch couch couch
Don't make me get off this couch
Couch couch couch sofa

November 6

I voted today
informed, exercised my rights.
Thank you, Suzy B.

November 7

So tired of Donald.
Please don't vote for that asshole.
What a total jerk.

November 8

As I go to bed,
I grieve for the USA.
You fell for a con.

November 9

A one-day, six-pound weighloss.
Tomorrow, I gain.

November 10

No, dumb GOP
you don't understand what it's
like to feel afraid.

November 11

Surround yourself with
smart people and you'll never
lack for true knowledge

November 12

Scraped the windshield this morning.
Hi, autumn. You suck.

November 13

I ran a 10K.
I did not die, but only
because I'm stubborn

November 14

I'm wearing a dress
my sister ordered; medium.
clearly, it's mis-marked.

November 15
We will not sit down
This election is a joke
Poor, stupid voters

November 16
Just keep your head down
And wait for four years to pass
I miss smart people

November 17
Training runs can suck
Sometimes, it's hard to run long
But ya gotta go

November 18
I've missed the magic
Of Rowling's fictional world
Yay, Fantastic Beasts!

November 19
Planning vacations
Is at least as much great fun
As going on them

November 20
Sometimes I miss Mom
In those moments when I think
She'd be super proud

November 21
There is no such thing
As too much avocado
Please pass me the guac

November 22
There may never be
Any coffee I like more
Than my first red cup

November 23
It's Thanksgiving eve
Annual Eric dinner
I have such great friends

November 24
Love is like gravy
It makes everything better
Except maybe pie

November 25
Enchiladas Pie
Coffee Pizza Scalloped Corn
Turkey Turkey Burp

November 26
Fastest dialog
Have to pay close attention
I love Stars Hollow!

November 27
A good candle can
Make home smell so much better
Than bitter defeat

November 28
Today I wanted
To sleep until noon and then
Stay under blankets

November 29
I need new knitting
Needles; not really "need" but
Can I have some please?

November 30
My work is better
Than your work because we get
Beef tenderloin here

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