Friday, July 4, 2008


The rumors are true. Awesome is in town.

It's funny how when you need something, sometimes it just shows up.

Today is July 4. Exactly ten years ago today, I met the man who eventually became my husband. The 4th is one of those holidays that I celebrate with a little trepidation each year, because I never know when the melancholy is gonna hit me.

So this year, imagine my elation when Tucson Mike, Rae and Kaylee scheduled their vacation so they were arriving in Chicago on July 3. This year, there would be no sadness. There would just be fun, laughter and love.

HA, said the Universe, I'll show you.

And on July 3, divorce papers showed up in my e-mail. I have to sign, and he is picking them up on Monday on his way to file. Yes, it's true - one day short of the ten-year anniversary of meeting him, he sends the papers. Once I got over the shock, it hit me: for the next ten days, I don't have to be alone. If I'm sad, I won't have to be sad alone. And I have a sneaking suspicion that being with Clan Rice for a week and a half, I will have a tough time remembering what the devil I'm supposed to be sad about, anyway.

So I guess there are some "thank-yous" in order. To the friends on IM yesterday when the e-mail came through and I fell apart a little bit, thank you for telling me I was gonna be okay. To those who have been by my side - both emotionally and physically - since the early days of the end of my marriage, thanks for never letting me feel alone. To my family, however it's defined, thank you for just being there with me through thick and thin. And to Clan Rice ... thank you for being here when I didn't even know I needed you to be here.

It's true. Awesome is in town. Hot damn.


Anonymous said...

Be strong!

Sign the damn things and then go do your independent, I gotta be me, happy dance.

You are a free woman with a life of your very own and a bill of rights to keep it that way.

Chin up, dear girl. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there -- we will lift you up (as always).

jpb2525 said...

Maggie! I am so sorry I wasn't there to give you a shoulder! I'm here for ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing, when you need a friend it always seems as the right friend for the job is the one that shows up.

You are a strong woman, you have already come through the hard stuff. Now there is NO looking back!

He (even thought I never met him) is the one who lost out, trust in that and you will be just fine.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are having a magnificent mini vaca...

Someday I want to have enough money to take a full cow, okay?

Love and kisses and always, help with the dishes. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, everybody. I am lucky to have you in my life.

And life, as they say, goes on. I am stronger, wiser and more confident because of my experiences. I am grateful for that.