Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Two more get-ups

Since I was a wee one, I've counted the time until something cool happens in "get-ups". Not days, get-ups. As in, how many times will the alarm ring before I get a treat? If there are two weeks until I leave for Disney World, there are really only 10 get-ups, unless I have something I need to get up early for on Saturday or Sunday. See? Get-ups make the time seem closer.

There are only two get-ups until my Tucson family comes to visit. I already got up today, so it doesn't count, and I won't set an alarm for Saturday, I will probably just roll out of bed when the doorbell rings to tell me they're here!

I explained to the cats last night that we were expecting company. I don't think they really give a damn. Benld basically looked confused (although it's hard to tell; he never looks particularly wise) and went back to sleep - see illustration. And yes, he sleeps with a pillow. Josie, mystified as to why all the linens at Chez Mags were getting washed, seemed to think she was getting her own apartment in my cedar chest. I contemplated closing the lid, but thought better of it.

So in just two more get-ups, I get to see one of my favorite branches of the family. I can't wait to see them, to hug the adult-like ones, and to squeeze the baby-like one, to wake up on Sunday morning and have coffee with two of my favorite people in the world. Oh, that reminds me. Need to get cinnamon rolls.


Unknown said...

"I will probably just roll out of bed when the doorbell rings to tell me they're here!"

You are going to shower. Right?

Anonymous said...


Perhaps not.

You love me even when I'm smelly.

Only one more get-up!

Anonymous said...

that is so funny, we used to call it "sleeps". When you woke up the fun day was there...